Friday, October 23, 2009

back to my roots

It occurred to me today, as I decided to take a look into my past, that I used to write. I was a poet. I was reading some of my old work today and something hit me. The last two lines of a poem that I wrote back in high school.

So i can heal, instead of hide.

I feel so angry with myself. I have been so lost for a few years now. I have been hiding instead of healing. It is time to stop hiding from myself so that I can live my life.

See Through the Paper

Doodles litter my notebook

like snowflakes dancing through the trees

beyond the window sill

lined paper

decorated with words and pictures from my soul

Seeing through the paper

Past what one pen forms

with the black ink

that's truly where I am

just trying to think

Trying to learn who I am

What's inside

So I can heal

Instead of hide.

This is not one of my best, but today it captured me.